Reviewing our Diploma of Yoga Teaching Residential

Reviewing our Diploma of Yoga Teaching Residential

Posted by IYTA Admin, 04-Jun-2018

Carrying mats, bolsters and suitcases around thirty students of the IYTA’s Diploma of Yoga Teaching arrived in Collaroy on Sydney’s Northern Beaches on 25 May 2018 for their five-day residential.

Attending the residential is a compulsory part of the course – and it can be daunting. Five days away from family and “normal” life to immerse yourself completely in yoga. It’s a time when the Sydney-based students come together with those studying the course online – and when lifetime friendships are created.

It’s mid-way through this amazing course and a time for students to practise and evolve their own teaching styles. Many of the course lecturers stayed for part or all of the time – with sessions on anatomy and physiology, asanas and classes as well as some Vedic Chanting with the effervescent Janet Stephens and even a spot of Mandala colouring with Astrid!

Overlooking the ocean, The Collaroy Centre is a fabulous venue, with motel- style rooms and many areas (including a bush walk) for quiet contemplation. So, what was the verdict?

Astrid Pickup our President and lecturer (who was there for the entire five days) believes this was our best Residential ever. She says: “Everyone worked so well to bring out the best in the students and the students were receptive, creating a beautiful supportive community for each other.”

A few comments from our students:

“I was feeling overwhelmed before coming to the residential – but I think that was due to my own thoughts and assumptions. Whilst the residential really takes you out of your comfort zone, the teachings, sharings, support and experiences have been incredible. Everyone was made to feel part of something bigger, a beautiful community was formed almost immediately. We had laughs, we had tears, challenging moments and ah-ha moments, moments of insight along with an abundance of encouragement and support from teachers and peers. I loved so much about this residential, the early morning yoga classes, the most supportive environment I have ever experienced, meals cooked and the sharing of this experience with so many beautiful souls.”

Sharon – Sydney-based student

“The residential week was great. There were times when it was tiring and challenging but overall it was fantastic. The Collaroy Centre is placed in such a beautiful place that I felt like I was in a bubble away from the busyness of Sydney. However only a five-minute stroll down the hill for the mandatory morning coffee after yoga class. Throughout the week I was able to let go of expectations of myself in regards to how hard I should practice, how I should teach and what sort of teacher I should be. Over the week my teaching style developed and evolved in its own space and the supportive environment with fellow students and teachers provided a platform to try this out with confidence. One of the highlights for me was being able to share this week with wonderful people on similar paths.”

Julie – correspondence student from Cairns.

“It’s been inspirational, informative and rewarding. A real journey – whatever you think you know about yoga … you soon realise there is far more to learn. The learning is physical, experiential and intellectual with lectures provided by a range of practicing Yogis. It’s a sensational venue – I’ve been on lots of walks to the beach. It’s a well thought out program with time for learning and time for yourself.”

Caroline – Sydney-based student