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There is a huge opportunity to help this demographic to enhance their lives with a healthyn body and mind through yoga.
nnnThis 2-day yoga teacher training will cover the anatomy of the aging body, the 12 most common medical issues of senior yoga students and managing pain.n The course is focussed around how to plan and run Seniors yoga classes with an emphasis on Chair yoga postures, breathing techniques, movements andn modifications.
nCome and join this informative and practical yoga teacher training and learn how to support your local community of seniors to have a healthy body andn mind.
nPlease note the Certificate of Attendance is 14 CPD points and the Certificate of Completion is 25 CPD points.
nAny questions? Please contact Gary Drummond, Post Graduate Course Manager, on 1800 449 195 or contact us.
", "itemId": 7547646, "name": "Seniors Yoga Teacher Training", "urlWithHost": "http://www.iyta.com.au/yoga-teacher-training/seniors-yoga", "url": "/yoga-teacher-training/seniors-yoga", "releaseDate": "2018-05-14T00:00:00", "releaseDate_raw": "2018-05-14T00:00:00", "expiryDate": "9999-01-01T00:00:00", "expiryDate_raw": "9999-01-01T00:00:00", "lastUpdateDate": "2019-08-12T12:35:02.827", "lastUpdateDate_raw": "2019-08-12T12:35:02.827", "counter": 1, "weight": null, "commentCount": 0, "editUrl": "/yoga-teacher-training/seniors-yoga?A=Edit", "isCustomerModule": false, "editParams": "", "edit": "", "deleteUrl": "/CustomContentProcess.aspx?CCID=33431&OID;=7547646&A=Delete", "deleteParams": "", "delete": "", "hasUnits": false, "Code": "SEN", "Prerequisites": "", "DeliveryStyle": "Face to Face", "Outcome": "Certificate", "Price": 0.0, "NoUnits": 1.0, "GraduatesWill": "- be able to describe 8 aging and 8 common medical issues in senior yoga students and their ability to practice yoga safely
- be able to show 10 Modifications to simple moves and 5 breathing techniques to support the aging body and lifestyle
- be able to plan a 1-hour seniors chair yoga class, taking account of their holistic needs and safety
", "Apply": "", "TotHours": "N/A", "CourseLength": "", "LeadImage": "/images/events-workshops/Seniors-seated.jpg", "LeadImageText": "", "GalleryID": 0.0, "DownloadID": 0.0, "UnitDescriptor": "Yoga Teacher Training Weekend", "CatID": "87718", "Overview": "Seniors are becoming one of the largest sectors of our community. There is a huge opportunity to help this demographic to enhance their lives with a healthy body and mind through yoga. Come and join this informative and practical yoga teacher training and learn how to support your local community of seniors to have a healthy body and mind.", "DeliveryDescr": "", "Image": "", "Testimonial1_id": "", "Testimonial1": "", "Testim1Type": "", "Testimonial2_id": "", "Testimonial2": "", "Testim2Type": "", "WhoFor": "Professional carers for seniors: Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Doctors, senior yoga practitioners and yoga teachers who wish to explore the safety aspects of teaching seniors with a focus on chair yoga.", "ProdTag": "Seniors", "showLevels": true } ], "pagination": { "currentPage": 1, "itemsPerPage": 500, "numberOfPages": 1, "totalItemsCount": 1, "previousPageUrl": null, "nextPageUrl": null }, "params": { "id": "33431", "filter": "item", "itemId": "7547646", "hideEmptyMessage": "true", "collection": "courseDtls", "template": "" } } }SEN1 – Yoga for Seniors – Chair Yoga
Price: A$395.00
Member’s Price: A$295.00
Link to currency converter- in stock
- SKU: SEN1-chair
Certificate TypeDates