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Face to face weekend workshop
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How to teach restorative yoga and asana.", "attributes": { "Certificate Type": [ { "id": 101636174, "name": "Certificate of Attendance", "displayType": 5, "image": null, "price": null }, { "id": 101636175, "name": "Certificate of Completion", "displayType": 5, "image": null, "price": 100.0 } ], "Dates": [ { "id": 101636173, "name": "Crows Nest - NSW - 22-23 February 2020", "displayType": 5, "image": null, "price": null }, { "id": 101653705, "name": "Crows Nest - NSW - 4 - 5 April 2020", "displayType": 5, "image": null, "price": null } ] }, "urlWithHost": "http://www.iyta.com.au/courses/restorative-yoga", "globals": { "get": { "CatalogueID": "292383", "ProductID": "11147913" }, "cookie": { "ASP.NET_SessionId": "xo0gxhksm0ez2vi1ql2yrwxd", "ANONID2667374": "54cc9ace-398c-459c-bb05-3cd69ad02258", "ANONID_FS2667374": "10.03.2020 06:26:07.793", "VISID2667374": "951e539b-b905-4970-8ba7-8dbd8e597463#www.iyta.com.au#10.03.2020 06:26:07.793", "visitorDeviceClass": "desktop", "CFCLIENT_WEEKENDA": """", "CFGLOBALS": "urltoken%3DCFID%23%3D175613253%26CFTOKEN%23%3D27379055%23lastvisit%3D%7Bts%20%272020%2D03%2D07%2005%3A42%3A21%27%7D%23hitcount%3D167%23timecreated%3D%7Bts%20%272020%2D03%2D07%2004%3A14%3A53%27%7D%23cftoken%3D27379055%23cfid%3D175613253%23", "CFID": "Z61ag0cxhe87ubikb4q7kn3gqfu6vie8x7iolx9frsunjlxeiol-175613253", "CFTOKEN": "Z61ag0cxhe87ubikb4q7kn3gqfu6vie8x7iolx9frsunjlxeiol-27379055", "PHPSESSID": "ddif503jhjlivpi6u2ke1fpnc5", "SAMESITESET": "ELOQUA=1", "SS_MID": "72b40ef2-0a99-44c9-95f4-d8cd2a9a7520k7ewml0t", "_dolcestrings_session": "BAh7B0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJTBhOGIxNDdjZWU0MDJjZTAwMWY2YTVhMTYxZTYyYzcxBjsAVEkiEF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuBjsARkkiMThFT2ttYmJqUVh2Ui9IQXVZczRVUm50T216d3l4NEZXeUlyTEs2TmxZYUE9BjsARg%3D%3D--91deddd96c0b4a7d9c724014617eaebaf5f0609f", "dtCookie": "v_4_srv_3_sn_046E0A880AAA4057A5ADBA8C306D8D14_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1", "sck": "6LHYXR2VPMQ66EDF3LWXGXB4PLE75U3ODWSQTSI" }, "site": { "id": 2667374, "name": "IYTA", "host": "www.iyta.com.au", "countryCode": "AU", "language": "EN", "dateNow": "2020-03-10T18:41:24.2291932" }, "visitor": { "deviceClass": "desktop", "ip": "", "country": "US", "city": "San Francisco", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; archive.org_bot/3.3.0 +http://pandora.nla.gov.au/crawl.html)", "referrer": "https://www.iyta.com.au/yoga-teacher-training/restorative-yoga" }, "cart": { "cartUrl": "/OrderRetrievev2.aspx?CatalogueID=292383" }, "user": { "entityId": 0, "firstname": "", "middleName": "", "lastname": "", "fullname": "", "username": "", "email": "", "email2": "", "email3": "", "customerType": {}, "leadSourceType": {}, "industryType": {}, "ratingType": {}, "isWholesaler": false, "isLoggedIn": false } }, "courseDtls": { "moduleName": "webapps", "moduleDescriptor": { "templatePath": "/Layouts/WebApps/Courses/list.html", "parameters": "id="33431",filter="item",itemId="8637735",hideEmptyMessage="true",collection="courseDtls",template=""", "apiEndpoint": "/api/v3/webapps", "objectType": 34, "objectId": -1, "adminUrl": "/Admin/CustomContent_ItemList.aspx?CustomContentID=-1" }, "editableFieldTypes": { "description": "Html", "itemId": "Id", "name": "Text", "url": "Text", "releaseDate": "Date", "expiryDate": "Date", "lastUpdateDate": "Date", "weight": "Number", "hasUnits": "Boolean", "Price": "Number", "NoUnits": "Number", "GalleryID": "Number", "DownloadID": "Number", "showLevels": "Boolean" }, "items": [ { "description": "Restorative yoga is the balance we need to our increasingly busy lives. It is a sequence of gentle and supported postures – often held for several minutes.n In this deeply nourishing practice, the goal is to feel weightless and yet sinking into the comfort of the earth. During the practice we can focusn the mind on stillness and connection with the breath.
nThe IYTA has a two-day course facilitated by senior yoga teacher Katie Brown where you will learn a variety of postures, how best to use props such asn bolsters, blankets and blocks to support all body types. You will also learn linking movements, sequencing, breathing techniques and meditation practices.
nThis face to face course is worth 25 CPD's.
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n- be able to plan a 1-hour restorative yoga class
- set students up in restorative yoga poses and give benefits to specific ailments
", "Apply": "", "TotHours": "N/A", "CourseLength": "2 Days", "LeadImage": "/images/faculty/katie-brown-2019.jpg", "LeadImageText": "", "GalleryID": 0.0, "DownloadID": 0.0, "UnitDescriptor": "Workshop", "CatID": "90607", "Overview": "How to give a great Restorative Yoga Class. Learn how to set students up in restorative yoga poses and give benefits to specific ailments.", "DeliveryDescr": "", "Image": "", "Testimonial1_id": "", "Testimonial1": "", "Testim1Type": "", "Testimonial2_id": "", "Testimonial2": "", "Testim2Type": "", "WhoFor": "Yoga teachers and Students", "ProdTag": "REST", "showLevels": false } ], "pagination": { "currentPage": 1, "itemsPerPage": 500, "numberOfPages": 1, "totalItemsCount": 1, "previousPageUrl": null, "nextPageUrl": null }, "params": { "id": "33431", "filter": "item", "itemId": "8637735", "hideEmptyMessage": "true", "collection": "courseDtls", "template": "" } } }REST – Restorative Yoga
Price: A$395.00
Member’s Price: A$295.00
Link to currency converter- in stock
- SKU: REST-Yoga
Certificate TypeDates